In order to play in a match for Dallas Rugby, players must be CIPP’d with USA Rugby and current on Club dues (meaning you have paid dues in full or have enrolled in a payment plan).

“What is a CIPP?”

Dallas Rugby competes in the Red River Rugby Conference (“RRRC”), which is a geographic union of USA Rugby. Think of it like a conference within a bigger organization (ex: NFC or AFC in the NFL, or Western Conference and Eastern Conference within the NBA).

According to USA Rugby regulations, players must register to a club prior to representing the club in league/qualifying matches. The entire registration process is referred to as “CIPP”. Once a player is CIPP’d they are informing USA Rugby that they have registered with a certain club. Also, USA Rugby offers its (CIPP’d) members two forms of insurance: liability insurance and accident insurance, which can help those who may suffer injuries during a season.

“How do I get CIPP’d?”

In order to CIPP, follow these steps:

  1. Visit

  2. Search for Dallas Rugby Football Club by inputting the following information (see screenshot below as an example):
    How to Search for Dallas Rugby on Sportslomo website
    • Search by Type: Adult
    • Search by Region: Texas Rugby Union
    • Search by Club Name: Dallas Rugby Football Club.
      • Note: if you are a women’s player, select Dallas Rugby Football Club Women.

  3. Select your registration type. There are 2 options you should choose from:
    How to Search for Dallas Rugby on Sportslomo website
    • Senior Player“: select this option if you would like to pay your registration fee in full for the entire season. The cost for this is $85.00 for the season.
    • Senior Player (Training)“: select this option if you would just like to register so that you are covered for training purposes. When the season starts up and matches are allowed to be played, you will need to upgrade to the full, Senior Player option. The cost for this is $26.50.
  4. You will be asked to either set up a new account, or to login to your current Sportlomo account.
    Register a Sportslomo account
    • If you have never CIPP’d before, you should create a new account.
    • If you have CIPP’d before (with any club), use the email and password that you used in previous seasons when registering with USA Rugby.
      • Note: you will likely need to choose the “Forgot Password” option in order to get a new password, as Sportlomo is still new.
  5. Next enter the amount of players you want to register (hint: it’s going to be 1 player).
    Step 4 of registering with Sportlomo
  6. Then just fill out the requested information (name, address, etc.), complete payment, and you are all done!

Dallas Rugby Dues

Paying dues is a responsibility of every member of the club, new or old. Fulfilling your obligation is vital to the success that the Dallas Rugby Club has experienced in the past and will continue to enjoy in the future. We have the highest dues participation rate of any club and enforce the “no pay, no play” rule vigorously. Please, either pay your dues in full or join one of our payment plan options.

We also have options for players to work off their dues by helping the Club with things such as: field setup, field maintenance, volunteer work, etc. Feel free to ask one of our officers if you are interested in playing but cannot afford to pay the dues (email

The dues structure and payment options for men and women club members for the 2020-2021 season are detailed below. Due to COVID-19, we understand that many of our players have incurred financial difficulties during this time. Therefore, we have reduced our Veteran dues from last season by $50.00.

Men’s Players:
Veteran Dues: $270.00
Rookie* Dues: $180.00
*Rookie is defined as a player who has never CIPP’d with any Men’s Club with USA Rugby. If you played in college and have not CIPP’d with any USA Rugby Men’s clubs, you are a rookie.

Women’s Players:
Veteran Dues: $170.00
Rookie* Dues: $130.00
*Rookie is defined as a player who has never CIPP’d with any Women’s Club with USA Rugby. If you played in college and have not CIPP’d with any USA Rugby Women’s clubs, you are a rookie.

How to Pay Your Dues

To pay your dues, please visit the “Shop” page on our website. Below are more specific instructions for paying dues:


  • To pay in full: Click on the “Men’s Player Dues” page.
    • Rookies: If you are new to the sport (meaning you have never CIPP’d with another Men’s rugby club in the past), select the “Rookie” option. Then checkout using Paypal and you’re all done.
    • Veterans: If you are not new to the sport (meaning you have CIPP’d with DRFC or another Men’s club in the past), select the “Full” option. Then checkout using Paypal and you’re all done.

  • To enroll on the payment plan:
    • Veteran Men: click the “DRFC Payment Plans” on our Shop page. From there, choose the option that says “Men Veteran…” After that, you can checkout using PayPal.
      • Note that the payment plan is set to end in JULY 2021 no matter when you start the payment plan, so the amounts will change regarding how much you are paying monthly.
      • Example: If you enroll in October 2020, you will be on a 10-month payment plan and your monthly payments will be smaller ($27.00/month for veteran men). If you enroll in January, you will be on a 7-month payment plan and your amounts will be higher.
    • Rookie Men: click the “DRFC Payment Plans” on our Shop page. From there, choose the option that says “Men Rookie…” After that, you can checkout using PayPal.
      • Note that the payment plan is set to end in JULY 2021 no matter when you start the payment plan, so the amounts will change regarding how much you are paying monthly.
      • Example: If you enroll in October 2020, you will be on a 10-month payment plan and your monthly payments will be smaller ($18.00/month for rookie men). If you enroll in January, you will be on a 7-month payment plan and your amounts will be higher.


  • To pay in full: Click on the “Women’s Player Dues” page.
    • Rookies: If you are new to the sport (meaning you have never CIPP’d with another Men’s rugby club in the past), select the “Rookie” option. Then checkout using Paypal and you’re all done.
    • Veterans: If you are not new to the sport (meaning you have CIPP’d with DRFC or another Men’s club in the past), select the “Full” option.Then checkout using Paypal and you’re all done.

  • To enroll on the payment plan:
    • Veteran Women: click the “DRFC Payment Plans” on our Shop page. From there, choose the option that says “Women Veteran…” After that, you can checkout using PayPal.
      • Note that the payment plan is set to end in JULY 2021 no matter when you start the payment plan, so the amounts will change regarding how much you are paying monthly.
      • Example: If you enroll in October 2020, you will be on a 10-month payment plan and your monthly payments will be smaller ($17.00/month for veteran women). If you enroll in January, you will be on a 7-month payment plan and your amounts will be higher.
    • Rookie Women: click the “DRFC Payment Plans” on our Shop page. From there, choose the option that says “Women Rookie…” After that, you can checkout using PayPal.
      • Note that the payment plan is set to end in JULY 2021 no matter when you start the payment plan, so the amounts will change regarding how much you are paying monthly.
      • Example: If you enroll in October 2020, you will be on a 10-month payment plan and your monthly payments will be smaller ($13.00/month for rookie women). If you enroll in January, you will be on a 7-month payment plan and your amounts will be higher.

For more info, please e-mail